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Submission: The Price Of Freedom Part 1

January 26, 2015

Disclaimer: The following story is a submission. All statements made in the following article are from the writer and not from EN24. This is also a story written in parts so please come back and follow the progression of the corp and the players involved.

This story spans back to last April, that is when one of the greatest corporations I have ever had the pleasure of joining became active after a brief stint of mediocrity. The corporation I am referring to is the small, and for most people, irrelevant corp called The Price of Freedom. This corporation was headed by one of the most charismatic people I have ever met in this online world, bane hunt. Although this might seem like a biography of the character, this is actually a retelling of the most fun I have had in eve in years, spearheaded by a group of people refusing to fit in to the status quo.98125412_128

The narrative begins with myself (who will remain nameless) trying to find a corporation to spend my downtime with one of my alts. This is where many who knew bane will find some level of connection to the next story.

While flying around Placid lowsec with my main, warping around various faction warfare sites, I was ambushed by a Merlin. At first I believed I could take this challenger easily by myself, but soon his merry band had me pinned down and melting. I was in awe by how quickly and efficiently bane’s fleet worked, and just to make sure it wasn’t a fluke, I stayed around the area docked up in one of the stations, and watched the good fights in local stack up. What was more amazing than their cohesiveness, was the name recognition bane and his corporation commanded around Placid lowsec. Placid low sec is not for beginners, and with residents like Cynosural Field Theory. and The Camel Empire, Placid was no place for the weak at heart.

Naturally upset and wanting to get even, I brought my alt back to see if I could catch them off guard with a few of my friends, instead, bane smelt the ambush and knowingly sprung the trap, ready for what was next. What happened next was the slaughtering of my friends and comrades who I had promised kill mails to. I was able to escape, only because I knew what to expect. After the good fights were exchanged in local, bane invited me to a private conversation congratulating me on my attempt to kill him and inviting me to join his group since I was in an npc corp at the time. I took him up on the offer and began the most influential time in my eve career.

I would come to find out that bane hunt was extremely charismatic, smart, and probably the best FC I have ever flown with (my main was, and still is, a higher up inside one of the N3 conglomerate). My intentions for joining this corp was to have somewhere to play while the politics of nullsec kept me ship spinning on my main. I started hopping on their mumble and fleeting with them immediately, flying through the faction warfare plexes and picking off any and all targets that dared to ignore their D-scan. I thoroughly enjoyed flying with the corp.

At first it seemed like bane was content in the lowsec frigate warfare niche that he had carved out, but then the corp members and I were exposed to his ambitious nature that made the game more fun to play than previous years. Bane organized a “stress test” as he called it, moving the corporation out to the Syndicate system of M2-CF1. He provided all the cruisers, frigs and battle cruisers we would be using in this week long experiment. He explained that he wanted to test the water with our corporation to see where our skill level and adaptability landed us. We basically flew around guns blazing without a care in the world for a solid week, shooting at any and all targets because TPOF (The Price of Freedom) had no blues whatsoever.

After the week of mainly devastating losses to the powerhouses in syndicate at the time, we had become humble, but also inspired by the great kills that we did manage to snag. We came back to Placid ready to take on the next challenge that landed in our path.

Link to Zkillboard stats

To be continued…