EN24 discord
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Submission: [NOHO] Operation: Momma Bear (EVE Online)

January 18, 2015

An AHARM spacebro and fearless NOHO FC (Xtrah) is leaving us to join the military and so we invited some friends to ‘blob’ k-space. The fleet consisted of about 100 sentry battleships, 20 t3 cruisers, 10 tackle, 2 boosters, 4 dreads and 3 carriers.

After three large engagements against Provi Block, RvB and BNI the majority of the fleet were still standing… so we awoxed Xtrah’s shiny Archon (https://zkillboard.com/kill/43780789/ – sorry bro). Special thanks to everyone who joined us in the send off, Etheris for stepping up to FC and to Nox and Seraph for providing the audio.

Tasty screenshots (thanks to Okst666): http://imgur.com/a/DczLc
Full video with overview: (Seraph Essael) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe2le…

Total kill count:
281 kills / 11 deaths
22.7 bill killed / 6.93 bill lost
(3.8 bill of our losses were friendly fire)