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Leaks: Imperial Outlaws closing down due to leadership decision

December 9, 2014

Disclaimer: These Alliance mails are meant for internal alliance members only, Please take this into account when reading!

Today, I received the following alliance mail from Imperial OutlawsDOT, who are known for being a member of the Amarr Empire. Enjoy!

Imperial Outlaws. Decision
From: FallenDream09
Sent: 2014.12.09 03:57
To:Imperial Outlaws.
Imperial Outlaws., I’m writing this to you with mixed emotions.

Our current leadership will be leaving alliance to play EVE as it was intended to be played; however they see fit. I’ve always personally told myself that this is your game and if you aren’t enjoying a game you’re paying for, no one can tell you anything about your decisions. We should all respect their decision and recognize that at the end of the day, this is a game.

This decision has been discussed by leadership of all entities in alliance with heavy discussion as to what the next steps would be. In Exile. is the current executor corp of Imperial Outlaws. and with Shalee and Ryven out of the picture, the ultimate decision was left with Joni, Fallen and Shiva, respectfully.

The decision has been made to have the corporations venture out to do as they wish, as holding alliance did not have much to offer in it’s current state. We often pondered, what would holding the name offer? Coming to an answer proved to be a little difficult.

In the next days we will sort out standings and other things to make leaving the Alliance as smooth as possible. We will do our best to keep Imperial Outlaws. alliance name as well as find a place for members of In Exile. We felt that the alliance name is in a sense the child of Shalee and agreed that we would want her to have the name to do as she wishes.

There will be a joint ops channel Imperial Inlaws.
Alliance comms will stay open for all corps currently in Alliance.
Logistics (JF Service) will be sorted out and stay up for a while, details will follow.

It was a blast flying with you guys and I hope we will continue good relations (and improve teamwork) even without an Alliance Tag.

Fly Dangerous, Outlaws o7

-Fallen, Shiva and Joni…on behalf of I.LAW Leadership