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Dreamfleet kills Fraternity. Erebus in Detorid

November 25, 2014

Just a moment before downtime hit Eve Online’s Servers a Fraternity. Erebus piloted by Hoky Srunder died to the hands of Dream Fleet

A Dream Fleet member noticed that Hoky Srunder was traveling to a new location in his Erebus using gates. Downtime was in sight, so Dream Fleet raced against the clock to get a Dictor on the route of the Erebus. The wait was on but sure enough a new member entered local….

It was the Erebus Pilot who moments later decloaked and started aligning. However, before he was able to warp Dream fleet’s Dictor managed to get a bubble on the Erebus. A total of 5 Dream Fleet supers jumped in with the hopes of securing the kill. Fighter Bombers were launched, and the Erebus started to go down…

1 minute for Downtime remaining was sent out across New Eden while the Erebus slowly dipping into Armor,

30 Seconds, the Erebus was at 50% Armor

10 Seconds, the Erebus was in Hull

1 Second, Almost

Less than 1 second, BOOM, The Erebus exploded into pieces. Sadly the beautiful explosion was cut off by the servers going down.

