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Leaks: Drama between Marmite Collective and CODE

November 22, 2014

The following mail was submitted to us through our intel page and was confirmed by internal Marmite Collective members.

From: Tora Bushido
To: The Marmite Collective [MYM8], Arvenja, alex meyer, Frank Dutch, scandor, trottel martin
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Times, people and alliances change, but not always for the best. My relation with CODE. go’s back years and has always been a good one. I still remember the day that Aria and Khoda from Zantiu-Braun Corpiration [CLOSED] told me they were going to take over CODE :

[23:38:48] Aria Stane > This is the last day for this alliance. I move to CODE. tomorrow to take over as Executor.

One of their main goals, which I have always supported, is don’t be afk while playing Eve. Personally I dont mind someone being afk for a couple of minutes or even longer if they are just docked up. But the moment you interact with the game, you should be active. So for example no afk mining or hauling while reading the newspaper.

This has gone well for a long time, but lately it seems CODE. has internal issues, which makes them change course from an idyllic alliance to a mainly isks focussed business. The following is part of an Eve mail (2014.11.06) send by Loyalanon to CODE, which our spy got hold of :

This is a mail in regards to the direction I want to take the Alliance.

Currently I have my alt character Sophia Soprano in Bat Country as I have been asked by Warr Akini to start leading CFC Stratop Ganks in High Sec taking out Non-CFC Freighters in High Sec, and other high value targets (Any non-cfc jump freighter , blingy freighters etc) I will be ganking under loyalanon and will not be excluding code members. Sophia is only in their to give me access to ships in various systems to make Warr’s and my job easier.

This involves my guys running positive sec status and coordinating with Mini-luv in regards to this. I need to lay out some ground rules for the Alliance that need to happen to make this possible :

1. The Wardeccing corp will need to cease any wardecs if a large merc corp jumps in as an ally to any of our defenders.
2. If our wardecs start posing a threat to the integrity of our freighter fleets, or our smartbombing fleets with our wardec targets/Allies then this will need to stop as soon as possible so that we can do what we need to do first and formost.
Part of the agreement (which is still being worked out with mini-luv) is that we would have access to goonspace to rat sec status’s up and/or join in fleets with CFC. This is still being discussed and is not set in stone at the moment. However so we are all on the same page – the alliance would be made aware that any attempt to undermine our relationship with Goons in Null sec will not be tolerated and any member going against it will be removed from the alliance no questions asked, no chances.

In high sec we are free to shoot goon/cfc alts or even goons/cfc directly however the finer points of this will be given once the meeting takes place.

1. So you understand this I do not want us to be blue with cfc and or their alts (in high sec) but at this point the details are still being worked out. As far as I am concerned I do not want to blue half of eve and will make sure this does not happen.

2. I still expect miners and carebears to die in high sec, however me personally will be taking a step back from it for a little while to concentrate on the skiff-bot fleets/incursion runners and high value freighters.

3. These ops are not compulsary for alliance members however this would be beneficial for members to join in on these epic things.

4. Next month or in January (depending on how I go) I am wanting to take over the customs offices in Solitude for Code Alliance so that we have a stable passive income. This will mostly involve my corp going out there for a fortnight and taking all the customs offices down and putting up customs offices for the Alliance/Corp which will alleviate some of the pressure of TCE treasury and Code/NO Treasury so we can have a steady flow of passive isk (even a small amount of passive isk is good isk)

Just so everyone is aware all these points especially the ones in regards to our wardecs need to be followed to the T, There is no room for discussion on this as far as I am concerned, I can not afford to let this wardec corp ruin what I have planned or interfere with this in anyway and for now I am just tolerating that they are in the alliance.

As you can read, Loyalanon doesnt give a fuck about CODE and just wants to make his CFC buddies happy. We will not allow this to happen. We’ve setup a corp in “The Marmite Collective” called “New Order Decoded”, which will be used for this campaign. We have had many corps and alliances in the past who wanted us to go after CODE, which we all denied, as they were blue to us. This ends today! Marmites is going to perma dec CODE, until the problem is fixed. We will handle it as any other contract we take.

A few questions our donaters might have are answered below :

How can we support Marmites in doing so ?
Well, you understand this will take a lot of isks to keep running. We didnt want just one client to pay for it all, so we decided to use the new corp “”New Order Decoded” for this purpose. All donations send to this corp will be used for the decoding campaign (war dec fees, SRP, but also subcontracting to our fellow mercenaries where needed). By using a new corp, it is more clear to us, which donations are for the campaign and which is for our other contracts.

Will this make you safe from CODE ?
No this wont make you 100% safe from CODE, but we will kill as many as possible for you. As long as people keep donating, I will keep this campaign running,

To ALL Marmites :
REMOVE ALL standings you have to CODE. and their alts on ALL of your characters today.

Time to do some de-CODE-ing !

Tora Bushido

We will keep you updated!