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*UPDATED*The Chosen 0nes Kicked and Reset By DARKNESS.

November 18, 2014

Today we received information regarding The Chosen 0nes [T-C-0], a 400 plus member corporation that was kicked out of DARKNESS. [DARK.] earlier today. EN24, upon further investigation, was able to interview both the CEO of [T-C-0] MarekCZE and Sort Dragon, the Alliance Director of [DARK.] who pushed the button. We have the full story!

This ping was sent to [DARK.] from Sort Dragon earlier today:

Timestamp: 2014-11-17 23:21:24
From: Sort Dragon
To: Global
Hi guys.

Unfortunately I had hoped to avoid this.

I have just logged in my holding alt and kicked TCO from the alliance. I did this because the ceo had been contacting random entities around us while still blue to attempt to awox us.

This is sad as I gave them till friday to move out amicably.

It hurts me to lose so many good members to this but unfortunately some people cannot be worked with.

I have now given them 24hrs with just standings to move their shit out.

This is a loose translation of their mail to membership.

Because there were some on what you do not want to leave pee on the blades we decided to fight darknes, shifting their bopjove ships to NPC stations in the system FWST-8 which is about 4 jumps from HM ka, where we pound darknes and everything astatni, zatium here we have and will, I will, ramorik, foxes, accomplished calls and more. jack

I guess we will see them in eve. Sucks again to lose these guys but sometimes you cannot work with a ceo.

As you can see above, [T-C-0] was already on its way out by Friday for other reasons including the CEO’s reported inability to work with the rest of Darkness. The CEO of [T-C-0] claims that the message actually means those remaining in [T-C-0] plan to fight [DARK.] upon leaving the alliance Friday. Regardless of what it means there is obvious mutual hostility.

After all that The Chosen 0nes were given a 24 hour grace period to remove their assets from [DARK.] space. However, a Second ping was sent rescinding that grace period.

From: Sort Dragon
To: Global

They are shooting kadeshi and not making this easier.

They are now reset and kos.

Sometimes people do not learn.

I apologise for the drama.

MarekCZE claimed that they were wrongfully kicked and had no intentions of harming [DARK.] until after Friday. Furthermore, MarekCZE claims that his corporation used an alliance jump freighter service to move their stuff out of Null-Sec and after being kicked and reset they were told essentially their contracted assets are forfeit. It has been confirmed that after learning of The Chosen 0nes plans the 40 billion isk in assets contracted were not returned. Can you blame them?

Reportedly, many members of [T-C-0] disagreed with their leadership’s choice of directions and are currently joining other corporations inside of DARKNESS.

Sort Dragon had this to say:

“It is important to note the corporation members were great, I loved having them around the CEO however was what killed it all” and this
“My corps are happy he is gone but sad that it had to go this way.”

In the end, a corporation that was on its way out had been given every opportunity to withdraw with grace, but repeatedly blew every chance given them and burned all the bridges they could on the way out. Chat logs were supplied as evidence from both sides.

For those who care here is the original message that sparked the early removal of [T-C-0] from [DARK.]:

[23:53:32] MarekCZE > protoze se na naslo par co si nechceme nechat curat na lopatky rozhodli jsme se s darknes bojovat, presouvame sve bopjove lode na NPC stanici v systemu FWST-8. coz jsou asi 4 skoky od HM ka, kde budeme kilovat darknes a vsechno ostatni, zatium tu jsme a budeme, ja, ramorik, liska, hodor a dalsi.

An exact translation courtesy of Leeloo Killick in the comments below
A few of us came to an agreement we will no longer take this crap from darkness and we have decided to fight them. We are moving our ships to NPC station in FWST-8, 4 jump from HM, where we begin to shoot darkness and everything else. For now there’s me, ramorik, liska, hodor and others.

Exact translation if anyone’s interested.

Ignoring the fact that there was no actual intent to awox [DARK.] while still in their alliance within that message. There is still a blatant declaration of immediate aggression against an alliance that was politely allowing [T-C-0] to leave and even assisting in moving assets out of Null Sec. That is in of itself bad form and a perfectly logical reason for immediate removal from said alliance typically without any form of grace period whatsoever.