EN24 discord
sov map

Submission: Stainwagon vs Northern Associates.

November 15, 2014

Disclaimer: The Following submission was done by Elazar Keon, Ex Stainwagon CEO. He created the video and wrote the battle report below. Please bare that possible statements are his and do not reflect EN24 in any kind off way!

November 15, 2014 – A Stainwagon Ishtar fleet is formed to take DJK-67, a system deep in Omist and the heart of N3’s citizen empire. After over an hour of traveling, with bubbles on every gate, the SW fleet was near mutiny as their FCs whipped them forward. As SW finally neared their destination, in the corners of their FCs’ keen eyes, they spotted something only the goddess Phoebe herself could have given them: a small fleet of N3 citizens formed in a small fleet of Dominixes and Carriers. Here are some logs between one of the citizens and a SW member:

(NA.) ShadowTeror – привет!
(NA.) ShadowTeror – красиво мы?
(SW) Ottaviani – Очень
(SW) Ottaviani – теперь на нас смотри


(NA.) ShadowTeror – Hi!
(NA.) ShadowTeror – Looks nice, eh?
(SW) Ottaviani – Very
(SW) Ottaviani – Now look at us

The brave yet naive citizens were quickly bubbled and the SW fleet warped in to begin the slaughter. Moments later, the Hammer was quite literally dropped, when a small contingent of CYNO/C0VEN supercarriers were deployed on grid to wipe out the carriers. It didn’t take long for nearly every citizen to die. After which, the SW fleet looted the field and move to DJK-67 to take the station. No N3 fleets of any kind were formed to save the station, or help any of the brave citizens that died horribly in a blaze of glory and madness.

Battle Report

And that kids, is why you don’t pay rent to N3 — they aren’t going to protect you anymore!