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A Interview with The Content Club leader, AlphaStarPilot

November 4, 2014

A few days ago, sat down with AlphastarPilot who is the man behind a new organisation called, The Content Club.

Bobmon: Could u maybe tell me something about the new organisation you are starting?

AlphastarPilot: ok so you know about Spectre Fleet and RvB Ganked right?
AlphastarPilot: the two large NPSI groups?

Bobmon: Yes

AlphastarPilot: ok so I flew with them for a while, and I decided to say fuck nullsec after a fallout with Thorn/Co2 and make my own NPSI group sponsered by Spectre Fleet and RvB Ganked. much we’re gonna be an elite group, staging from Black Rise, forming fleets whenever there is a fight to get. hence the name of my group “The Content Club”. We have some doctrines and some fcs including me, who will run the show, my new Alliance, Infernal Order, is the head of the group, and runs the group, we have an ingame channel and Mailing list, with information on what our plans and doctrines are etc etc

Going a little more in depth

1: you said that you are an elite group, How do you pick pilots that are at this level
1. We don’t “pick” pilots. We are open to everyone. We just do more “elite” esque things. We don’t just take out 15 dudes in t1 cruisers and go hope to find a fight where we don’t get anhiliated. We go out to get a fight with a doctrine that CAN fight. We will also be using advanced ships like t3s hacs and caps, which other NPSI groups use, but they use them on a once in a blue moon while we will use them frequently.

2: In what actual way will you be different than Spectre fleet / RvB
2. We are different from RvB Ganked is that we run on a regular basis, not once a week. We are different from Spectre fleet is that our squad is run by my alliance Infernal Order, while Spectre is run by essentially the corp SASH. Unlike spectre, we have set doctrines with permanent fits, where any fc can pic anything they want to fly in Spectre for a fleet, we have currently only 5 doctrine we will run.

3: Is there any type of SRP or is it a fun eve ”hobby” to fly with you guys
3. Currently my alliance, Infernal Order, has SRP, since we fly the same doctrines as the The Content Club, which we run. We may in the future extend the SRP to the squad, but at the moment we need to “increase our income stream” before we can do that. But it is on the to do list!

4: What will be your targets
4. Targets? EVERYONE. It’s NPSI, any random nerd who flies into us will get destroyed. My alliance has no set standings with anyone, and don’t plan on any for the time being. We stage from Rakapas in Black Rise, so we fight everyone in the immediate area.

5: What size are you aiming for
5. Our size is whatever we get. At the moment we are just starting off, with some publicity from myself, and the help from RvB Ganked/Spectre Fleet to help publicize my NPSI group, we already have a few hundred in the mailing list after 1 week. We ran about 4 fleets so far, first one with 85 members, second with 30, 3rd with 40, and 4th with 20. So whatever numbers we get I like. My goal in the future is to get 100+ on weekend fleets so if big things are happening in lowsec we can go be a dominant force on the battlefield.

6: is there a promotion ladder that a new pilot could follow so that he can become an FC
6: Currently only FCs from the my alliance are allowed to run fleets for The Content Club. It just gives my alliance a promotional edge. Depending on how we grow, opening the Squad for anyone to FC is on the To Do List.

7: What type of doctrines will you be using?
7. At the moment we have 5 set doctrines. 2 Frig doctrines which work well in the factional-warfare lowsec zone environment. We have 1 T1/Faction cruiser doctrine which works well with the constant cruiser on cruiser combat. We have a Muninn doctrine, because I just love Muninns and I don’t really like FCing Ishtars :D. And Finally we have a Talos/Oracle BC doctrine for when we need to either quickly bash a structure, or kill any big shinies (caps/supers/etc.)


Sounds like a lot of fun! What do you think? Let me know in the comment section below!