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OverView: Celebrating the Art of Bryan Ward / Rixx Javixx

October 11, 2014

Our good friend Rixx Javixx has been busy in the photoshops, the illustrators and the adobes bringing some really impressive art works worthy of any modern art gallery. The great thing is that this art is available in ultra-hi definition. We had the time to sit down with Rixx Javixx and talk abit about his works:

I started playing Eve essentially because of how good it looked and how well designed it was. As a life-long professional creative the aesthetic attracted me and I’ve been creating art based on Eve for over six years now. For a long time commission works were my primary income stream in-game, providing logos, banners, wallpapers, whatever else the community needed. I’ve had to scale that back significantly lately due to the demand, it gets to be too much even for me.

I had actually started this project two years ago and it went in a different direction at the time, so last week I was pondering the archives and decided to give it another chance. My inspiration is simple really, the design of each of Eve’s ships is so unique and powerful that they each have their own voice and sensibility. Removing them from the environments we normally see them in, the usual 3d rendered, slick, modern approach, and confining them to extremely simple spaces intrigues me as an artist. I think the approach allows each ship to come alive in ways that they never get the chance to otherwise and the focus is on shape, curve, detail, and form. They are each works of art in their own right.

I use a combination of tools and procedures that I’ve refined over the years. Paul Oosterman’s on-line ship catalog is amazing and even though it is only in Beta it is my primary source for the initial images of the ships. Each ship is rendered out into vector format which is sometimes easy and sometimes more time consuming and is about 50/50 automated and hand-work. Then each piece is assembled in Illustrator and designed, with final rendering and effects added in Photoshop. So I’m left with two versions of each poster, a fully vector format and a fully rastered version.

My hope is that someday CCP will see their way clear to work with me on providing these and other works to the public, but so far they have not been open to that. Until then I’ll just keep providing them for free.

Nightmare Art Print

Rifter Art Print

Hawk Art Poster

Skiff Art Poster

Daredevil Art Poster

Ferox Art Print

Slicer Art Print

Gnosis Art Print Poster

Hulk Art Print Poster

You can check the entire collection among other of this works at his ficklr page.

[ Bryan Ward Flickr ]