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PSA: EVE Probe – New Build Available.

October 7, 2014

CCP Maxell just announced the newest release of the EVE Probe tool:

Ever-probing Capsuleers!

You can find a link to a new version of EVE Probe below:


Release Notes:

– Fixed an issue that caused frame-stuttering in first two scenes.
– Fixed a freeze on low-end machines.
– Improved start-up time on first run.

Known issue:

– Doesn’t start up on Windows XP.

We are anxious to see the results of the frame-stuttering fix. If the results are as expected, we would like to get that fix into the EVE Client as soon as possible.

In case you are wondering what is this EVE Probe magic, here is the official low-down:

EVE Probe plays back animated scenes using the very same graphics engine as the EVE client, but everything is deterministic and not dependent on player input. When it is ready, we will offer it for download so you can run it on your machine – with your graphics hardware and your exact configuration. EVE Probe then gathers performance data, such as frame times and memory usage and sends that back to our server, along with your machine specs and display settings. This gives us valuable feedback on the performance of our engine on a much wider variety of computer configurations than we could ever hope to cover in-house.

Note that this data is sent anonymously and we don’t collect any data that could be used to identify any individuals – all we care about are the machine specs.

So if you are willing to help CCP Games make EVE Online a better place to die, make sure to give them a hand with EVE Probe.

[ Original Dev Post ]