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Nullsec CSM 9, Xander Phoena switches sides!

October 7, 2014

Today, Xander Phoena joined a corporation called: Sniggerdly. This corp better known as ”SNIGG” is a member of Pandemic Legion

Xander Phoena was previously a member of a corp called: Zebra corp who is a member of The Bastion. Within his time of being a member of the CFC, he raised to the ranks, becoming the Head diplomat of the Bastion and a CSM.

I asked Xander about what happend and he told me the following:

XanderPhoena: Basically, there were some people in ZEBR who were very angry at me, CSM9 and CCP and felt that these changes and the direction will damage Eve. I tried to explain the reasoning and rationale and that was met with some resistance. There was also some feeling that unfortunately what I want from Eve these days doesn’t correlate with that ZEBR wants to do. These things combined meant I needed to leave corp. For me, that meant also leaving BSTN and at that point, I was looking for a new home. To be clear, I still love the boys in Zebra Corp and wish them all the best. Great group of guys. There is also no anger or animosity from me towards anyone within the CFC who always treated me and ZEBR well since we joined Gents a couple of years back.

I was lucky that several people spoke to me and offered a new spot in their corps and the most persuasive by far was Grath Telkin. He got me very excited about the near future for PL and it felt like the best time to make the jump.

How CFC is going to respond to losing a CSM member is unknown but PL members seem to be happy with Xander Phoena joining!
