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The EVEsterdam After report!

October 6, 2014

I attended Evesterdam and wow it was awesome. Evesterdam doubled their attendee numbers which came down to 190 +/- players and 3 ccp devs (Guard, Leeloo and Falcon). The meet had a total of 5 player made presentations which were very cool to watch!

One corporation, Exanimo Inc went out of its way to continue ”new” fanfest tradition and bought everybody a beer!

Super-Cap Giveaway

EVE News got the chance to give out some sweet prices at the event, A Pirate Battleship pack sponsord by eve-bet.com and a Shield Super by Northern Associates / Burning Napalm.

This was very exciting to do and we hope that we can do this more often in the future!


Pictures of the Event

Big shoutout to Dierdra Vaal for organising the event!

Thanks for showing up mates! Cya next year!