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Reverse Time Dilation Woes!

September 7, 2014

In the recently played Shadow Cartel-Afterlife. match it was the first in Alliance Tournament history to go into max reverse time dilation and have the following rule used to decide the match:

In the very unlikely case that a fight is tied after 15 minutes, the victory will be awarded to the team that had more collective potential team DPS at the beginning of the match, as measured by the tournament automated “attack bar”.

Previously to this match a TEST Alliance Please Ignore pilot became stuck in the system causing a long delay before this match. It is believed that the difficulty removing this pilot who had been looting the field caused the game to calculate damage incorrectly and not notify logistics pilots that their team was taking damage. It is currently unknown if this damage is real damage or is simply the game’s killmails showing damage incorrectly due to the unique circumstances of the match.

Shadow Cartel has described the glitch as:

Drones will only shoot once, then stop until you tell them to attack again. Drone assist is obviously broken by this.

You will have no visual cue to damage being taken – enemy ships will show full shield until they hit hull. Same thing happens on fleet WL. Makes Logi pretty interesting. Basically if someone says they get red-boxxed assume they’re taking damage even if you can’t see it.

Some of the killmails can be found below:

https://zkillboard.com/kill/41107306/ Navitas dies to 112 damage from Bouncers
https://zkillboard.com/kill/41107419/ Vexor dies to 662 damage from Golem
https://zkillboard.com/kill/41107328/ Eos dies to 603 damage by just the Golem
https://zkillboard.com/kill/41107387/ Ishtar dies to 232 damage taken from Bouncers
https://zkillboard.com/kill/41107439/ Vexor dies to 227 damage from a Golem

CCP Games has said that since the glitch affected both sides the result will stand. Do you agree with their decision? Let us know in the comments.