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Dev Post: EVE Fitting Tool format compatibility coming Soon™

September 4, 2014

CCP Turtlepower (who?) just announced on the forums one click EFT compatibility, which appears to be another of those simple additions which make a capsuler’s life easier:


We will deploy a new feature to Singularity in the very near future (today or tomorrow) which will allow you to import text based fittings using the EFT (EVE Fitting Tool) format with just 1 click, for example from EFT, Pyfa killboards, Battleclinic, etc. Here is how it’s done:

1. Copy the fitting text to your clipboard
2. Go to your client, open the fittings window
3. Click on ‘Browse’
4. Click the little icon in the bottom center that looks like 2 papers
5. Profit!

This feature does not care about text formatting other than that the modules are all separated by line breaks.

Please try the feature out and leave any feedback you might have in this thread.

Fly safe!
CCP Turtlepower // Team Pirate Unicorns

[ Original Dev Post ]

Incidentally, on August 26th the latest version of the EVE Fitting Tool (2.23.3) was released, this one is updated to comply with the EVE Online Hyperion changes, you can download it from here:

[ Go to the EFT Download Thread ]