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Triumvirate, Ineluctable and MOA Kill Tactical Narcotics Team Ratting Nyx

August 30, 2014

Today a Nyx died belonging to a Tactical Narcotics Team Pilot.

Ineluctable. scout, Ace MacRou had been going around in CFC’s home space in search of capitals to kill. One day he noticed while passing through a system that their was a Nyx ratting. This spiked his interests and moments later he found the Nyx. Just for a laugh he entered 1234 as a password and warped down to the POS. To his surprise the password had actually worked. Quickly realising what an opportunity he had he contacted Triumvirate. to possibly set up for a gank.

What unfolded was Triumvirate. dictors being bridged in, bubbling the pos while a Ishtar fleet entered the password 1234 and started bumping the nyx out of the shields. The Nyx pilot was then tackled and thanks to the bump unable to control his ship. Not long after the Nyx left the POS shields he was killed by the overwhelming drone power of the Isthars

(Zkillboard Link)
