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Kadeshi Avatar dies to CFC

August 21, 2014

Yesterday at 20:34 eve time an Avatar owned by Kadeshi pilot Frag Solol died to the hands of the CFC.

Frag Solol had attempted to jump his Avatar to a post just before downtime hit. Something went wrong while jumping in leading downtime logged him 180km off the tower. Frag Solol knew it could be a bit dangerzone and so decided to talk to his fleet commanders about the awkward situation. They gave him 2 options, Either they would form a fleet to cover him or he had to wait until next downtime to quickly log in and get safe.

After thinking, Frag Solol decided that the best option for him was to be escorted out, as promised a fleet formed at 20:00. While forming CFC got the intel about the situation and formed a Tengu fleet to counter. Both CFC and Kadeshi got in system and warped to the pos location. Knowing that his fleet had warped in, Frag Solol decided to log back in. This meant that he got on field at the same time as both Kadeshi’s subcap fleet and CFC’s. the CFC fleet landed around 200km of both the titan and the subcap fleet and took the opportunity to warp their dictors down to the titan. CFC successfully pinned down the Avatar, and dropped supers.

In a final attempt to save the titan, Kadeshi warped in some triage carriers to rep him back up but the titan was already to low in armour resulting in his death moments later.
