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Tweetfleet: Quitting EVE in Style.

August 13, 2014

A quick look to eve-kill shows an Avatar titan killed solo’d by a lone Geddon’ piloted by Silver Chair from Feign Disorder alliance. Just as many other pilots, we were puzzled by kill, but the story became clear after said pilot posted the following thread in the r/EVE Reddit:

Silver chair is quitting the game. So instead of giving away all of his stuff, he decided to destroy it so that he is not tempted to come back.
I will miss his perverted humour immensely. I personally wish he bankrolled our Alliance tournament run instead.

According to the thread’s op this was simply a player giving in to his self destructive tendencies. Here is the titan killmail:

Redditor Findol asks the real question:

Was this pre planned or was the titan pilot just misclicking things?
I’m pretty sure you have to right click and click Self-Destruct and click the yes option when you do.
Also, at work so I can’t check but did you get the pod?

To which it was replied:

Completely planned. I had originally planned on getting it killed by holding a public event, but in the end I wanted to be alone with my baby and hold her hand as she died 🙁

You can read the rest of the thread here, but this leaves a pretty unsavory precedent on the current state of the game, being the acquisition of a titan considered one of the ultimate “end game” for many players, to me as an avid EVE Online fan something like this just doesn’t look right.

[ Kill Mail ]