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Kinda One Man Army(But not really): Special Edition

August 13, 2014

This is a special edition of One Man Army that I couldn’t wait for the next installment to post. This video comes from Lord’s Servant. It includes you’re basic solo pvp ships like battlecruisers, frigates and whatnot. But it also includes the mystical solo pvp Phoenix, which does a great job of killing cruisers.


Any questions, suggestions, or videos can be mailed to “Firefox4312 Yatolila” or “TheButcherJohn” in-game. Any ideas on what the next series should be can be emailed to me at “[email protected]” (quotes excluded) or either of the character names listed. If you want to see things like fleet fights, gank compilations (supers/titans/dread blobs against supers), or anything of those sorts, hit me up with the idea and possible videos to start it off, and I’ll see what I can do from there to get that series going if there’s enough of a request for it.