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Discussion- What would you like changed about Eve?

August 5, 2014

What would you like to see come to or be changed about Eve online?

While there is not a whole lot going on in eve currently with no summer war ( winter for the southern hemisphere) and a lot of speculation about the upcoming expansions, lets take this time to see via vote exactly what we would really like to see happen/added/changed.

CCP have a number of changes in the works, with the recent rumors of Wormhole entrance changes ( how far you land when you jump through from the wormhole)
The eventual Capital changes and Sov changes (hopefully)

All you have to do is go in to the comments section below and look to see if what you want is already in there, if not create a comment listing what you would like to see.

Some common things that are always mentioned are :

Sov changes ( but what would you change about it?)

New ship types/classes ( new class entirely or new tech variant of an existing?)

More Eve online live events ( for those of you who have already forgotten the last one)

A system “Switch up” where current systems are changed location wise ( lowsec between each factions empire highsec)

New modules

The only rules for the comment section are that you be civil and polite.

And if you do have any news you want shared feel free to send it in either via eve mail to me or click the “Send intel” button on our homepage.

-MR Benoit