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My Two Isk: The Eve-Dust 514 Link

July 6, 2014

When I started playing eve online, It took me awhile to understand the importance of the link between the pilots and the mercenaries of Dust 514. Now that I understand the concept, I want to give my opinion on the subject. I’ll start with the features that are currently in place.

  • Orbital Bombardment- I personally love this concept and hope to have it outside of faction warfare and Planetary Conquest. If and when PVE comes around, I would love to see this implemented in high-sec cooperative play. I don’t see any other problems in this incarnation of the feature.

  • Faction warfare- I feel that faction warfare is a great place for pvp and I love the way the district battles on the planets. I wish it was implemented to a larger extent, and I also wish there was a way to choose which planets you can fight in as a dust mercenary.

Now on to upcoming features and possible ideas that I have.

  • Isk transfer between pilots and mercenaries- In my opinion I can see why this can be a hard concept to figure out without destroying the economy, but I can see this happening within the next 2 years, hopefully less than that.

  • More orbital bombardment ammo types- This one cant be too hard to implement, maybe make missiles for attacking infantry, or possibly a type of emp that makes certain weapon types useless, or maybe a battle-ending nuclear ammo.

  • Bigger ammo for bigger guns- Pretty self-explanatory. This one seems easy to make happen as well.

  • Pilots carrying installations to the battlefield- This is my favorite idea, just think of the possibility of bringing in a blaster turret or a clone reanimation unit and dropping in on a district for you team.

Now I want to know what you guys think. Would you guys like more interaction with mercenaries? Or are you happy as it is?