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Tweetfleet: Worm Hole NPC Kills API Tweak.

May 6, 2014

This one should be quick, CCP FoxFour made one short comment on the forum which should come to the attention of any wormhole dweller:

Hey guys,

as a heads up as soon as I can find the time I will be removing WH systems map/kills endpoint. This is data that exists in the API but not the client and is incredibly powerful. As with everything I am open to discussing this, but I will admit that you will have a damn hard time convincing me of not doing it.

What does this means?

According to Bo Jangles, our current resident wormhole specialist:

They’re making it so you cant see NPC kills from API, which means when we go into a wormhole its nearly impossible to gauge how active it is. Currently making an API check you could see how many NPC kills were made in the last hour and see how active the WH is. IMHO In the end this change will just make carebears safer.

Bloemkoolsaus also explained on the EVE-O forums:

Our wormhole mapper software relies on this information to determine the current status of the systems we are connected to. I would very much like to keep this information in the API as the information it provides is essential for us.

The player’s reaction didn’t take long, with some ranging from supporting this and some other even accousing CCP of breaking player’s tools:

iskflakes wrote:

You should not break tools people have already written. At the very least this is an issue for the CSM, because these endpoints are widely used.

CCP FoxFour reply:

Yes we very much should if we believe that it is counter productive. We have a history of breaking tools when we believe they have gone to far.

Another reaction (dhunpael):

But that’s only because we (the whole dwellers) don’t have a nice ingame, ccp made map.
The rest of the eve residents do have a map, in which case they can see the stats without a problem.

So to counter this problem we made our own maps, tools and other whatnots. And now you are telling us we wrote our maps with info we should not have? Because it to powerful? If that’s really the case, maybe it should be removed from the game and not only whole space.

Come on think this over, we need this info as much as other eve players. We even worked for it, unlike non whole residents, we fiddled, tinkered and tried until we had our own tools and maps.

don’t take that away from us ccp.

And CCP FoxFour response:

You don’t have a nice in-game map because part of the design for WH space is that you do not. Giving those with access to the ability to create tools and advantage over those that do not is NOT what the API is for. While there are many cases of this being true elsewhere, this is a very big one.

To your point on this information being removed from all of space, and I will repeat this, this information was specifically designed NOT to be there for WH space. It is meant to be there for the rest of space.

The discussion is still going on the EVE-O forums, I am personally siding with CCP FoxFour’s position, but you can go and read all the replies and make your own conclusions.

[ Original Dev Post ]