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Darwinism in Action: Sanctuary of Shadows Nyx

April 30, 2014

By Seraph IX Basarab

Even those who are mildly familiar with physics have at least heard of some of the laws. Newton’s Three Laws of Motion, the Law of Gravity, the Law of Thermodynamics and so on and so forth. I’ve come up with another law that is specific to Eve Online which I’ve humbly named “Seraph’s Law of Eve Stupidity.” It states that the more skill points a character has, the more chance that there is a larger and larger divergence between said skill points and the IQ of the actual player. With that increase in divergence, there is an exponential correlation that that individual will do something of monumental stupidity. Such events are not often stand alone instances, but often tied to past events, actions and personalities. I bring forth to you such an event for your own personal entertainment. Earlier tonight a Sanctuary of Shadows (SASH) Nyx flown by Alto Draconan was destroyed by a Shadow Cartel fleet.

The story behind it is riddled with intrigue and drama and I’ll give my particular perspective. Having a front row seat in the corp and the SASH run Spectre Fleet, I figured I would only need to wait and hope for someone to do something less than brilliant and I was not disappointed. The following is the chatlog that happened during the Nyx loss.

Atrol Nalelmir > ahh dear me i will do the other two guns tomorrow, after this one is done that is
KanonKongen > im coming with niddy when i get back
Atrol Nalelmir > well i got one completely repped, and the others at 70
Atrol Nalelmir > so the tops more or less done
Atrol Nalelmir > just need the bottoms
Atrol Nalelmir > right repping these has taking me around 4 to 6 hours lets see how long it takes a Nidhoggur :p
Moflyng > ha! I just noticed my title, how amusing
Atrol Nalelmir Alto Draconan you can online the modules we have repped?
Atrol Nalelmir > theres one so far
Alto Draconan > nope
KanonKongen > bumppp me againnnn
KanonKongen > so slow 🙂
KanonKongen > 🙁
Atrol Nalelmir > hmmmm yep you cant 🙁
Alto Draconan > hey atrol
Atrol Nalelmir Alto Draconan Stop!
Alto Draconan > wouldnt it be a shame if you were to be webbed?
Atrol Nalelmir > ALTO!
KanonKongen > ??
Alto Draconan > im webbing him
Atrol Nalelmir > with the pos -_-
Atrol Nalelmir > -_-
Alto Draconan > 02:17:30 Combat 1017 to alco82pl – Small Artillery Battery – Smashes
Alto Draconan > aww yeee
Alto Draconan > wait
Alto Draconan > is it still shooting you?
Alto Draconan > cant get it to stop
Alto Draconan > lol
Alto Draconan > IM NOT
Atrol Nalelmir Alto Draconan your killing me
Alto Draconan > im liek
Alto Draconan > 3j out
KanonKongen > Pos gone haywire
Alto Draconan > IM SORRY I BROKE IT
Atrol Nalelmir > Fuck me!
Atrol Nalelmir > i warped off and know its started again!
Alto Draconan > i cant fix it
Alto Draconan > D:
KanonKongen > you literally turned our pos into a sash pos
KanonKongen > shoot all the things
KanonKongen > it decided to quad web me while all guns shot me
Alto Draconan > wow
Atrol Nalelmir Alto Draconan our entire Operation has now halting cause the POS has turned Skynet
Atrol Nalelmir > cause somebody let it of its leash -_-,
Alto Draconan > WASNT ME
Alto Draconan > STOP LOOKING AT ME
Atrol Nalelmir POS rep: ALTO BROKE IT!
Irish Shinigami > alto can u link ur titan lose?
Alto Draconan Jayne Fillon it wasnt me
Jayne Fillon > hmm?
Atrol Nalelmir > 02:34:08 Combat 507 from Jayne and Nonnak’s Wank Pit[SASH.](Minmatar Control Tower) – Small Artillery Battery – Smashes
Atrol Nalelmir > Alto did it
Alto Draconan > nope
Alto Draconan > im not even in messoya
Jayne Fillon > smashes what
Atrol Nalelmir > my exq
Atrol Nalelmir > and Alcos Carrier
Atrol Nalelmir > and i think kanons rokh,
Jayne Fillon > do you need mods offlines or something?
Irish Shinigami > Alto broke the tower
Atrol Nalelmir > we need the pos to somehow stop shooting us,
KanonKongen > So instead im going fishing
Irish Shinigami > so win
Jayne Fillon > just don’t go outisde
Jayne Fillon > lol
Alto Draconan > i didnt break it
Alto Draconan IM IN Hagilur
Atrol Nalelmir > we where repping the guns
Jayne Fillon > I blame Alto
KanonKongen > we were outside because we were repping
Alto Draconan > fuck
Jayne Fillon > I think I’m going to blame alto for everything
Alto Draconan > why is everything my fault
Jayne Fillon > from now until I find a new scapegoat
KanonKongen > because alto
Alto Draconan > 🙁
Atrol Nalelmir > yep its still doing it -_-
Atrol Nalelmir > 02:44:44 Combat 737 from Jayne and Nonnak’s Wank Pit[SASH.](Minmatar Control Tower) – Small Artillery Battery – Penetrates
Alto Draconan > CAN I COME?
Alto Draconan > OWAIT
KanonKongen > lol
Atrol Nalelmir > iam going to research this and get a solution

An alt of an alt may have nudged an alt of Shadow Cartel for all this fun. *Coyness intensifies*

Following this, there seems to have been some internal drama over the loss.

Jayne Fillon > evenin’all
Alto Draconan > hi
Irish Shinigami > why did u ban frands from channel?
Matrim Kodiak > hello
Jayne Fillon Irish Shinigami max was being a shit head as per usual
Jayne Fillon > therefore ban. 😛
Irish Shinigami > for ragging on alto for a failing?
Millenium Jack > you could call it that
Irish Shinigami > cause wasnt just max was prez and vis
Irish Shinigami > and others
Millenium Jack > and they all got the boot. 😛
Irish Shinigami > my question is why
Irish Shinigami > cause they were ragging on someone lol
Irish Shinigami > we make fun of people all day long its kinda what we do
Millenium Jack > there’s a difference between poking fun at, or teasing, and being completely beligerent and abrasive.
Irish Shinigami > well some situations do call for that
Millenium Jack > you weren’t online for it, trust me.
Irish Shinigami > like losing a nyx
KanonKongen > I banned them because i can, dont like it you know where the door is
KanonKongen > #kanonsinchargenow
Irish Shinigami > last time i checked we were all friends if yall cant take someone calling someone out for and outright fail then wtf is the point
Millenium Jack > it wasn’t a fail, I don’t know why people think he’s retarded or bad because of the loss.
Ka’Shar Androgan > Because he had fun with the nyx, thats wrong
Ka’Shar Androgan > your supposed to sit in a pos with it for months
Irish Shinigami > Having fun is dropping it a couple times on a holding toon
Irish Shinigami > not 20 times then cynoing to far from pos and getting caught
Alto Draconan > i think you will find
Alto Draconan > i dropped 3 times
Alto Draconan > in 3 days
Ka’Shar Androgan > So he was supposed to sit in pos all day untill he got a golder toon and not play eve anymore?
Alto Draconan > if your going to try and call someone out for something, get your facts straight first
Millenium Jack > He wasn’t slowboating into the shields, irish.
Ka’Shar Androgan > And he wasnt going for shield
Millenium Jack > He cyno’d in under the protection of our first POS’s guns
Ka’Shar Androgan > you werent there, dont act like you know shit
Millenium Jack > and was aligning to warp to the second pos we have
Irish Shinigami > how many times were you out and about in nyx sitting on station and broadcasting that we had one in system when u know shadow cartel drops in there all the time. when 4 days before that a titian was killed in the same system
Millenium Jack > the onyx was in warp in less than 2 seconds, was really impressive.
Alto Draconan > sorry
Alto Draconan > better never log it on and never use it so that they dont know i have it
Ka’Shar Androgan > Are you jellous he had a nyx or something? It doesnt affect you in any way whatsoever, laugh and get over it
Millenium Jack > 😛
Ka’Shar Androgan > like the rest ofg us
Alto Draconan > like
Alto Draconan > you care more about it that i do
Alto Draconan > than*
Douglas Aurelius > that onyx fit was special made to do just what it did, crazy ass set up on it
Alto Draconan > like i said to the shadow dudes
Irish Shinigami > cause shadows good at catching big shit
Alto Draconan > props to them
Alto Draconan > its done
Alto Draconan > so fucking shut up about it
Irish Shinigami > and the whgole point of this convo is why the fuck did we ban people that are our freinds
Alto Draconan > jokes and shit are fine
Irish Shinigami > that was my point
Irish Shinigami > then it fucking spiraled
Alto Draconan > because they were being dicks about it
Alto Draconan > its simple
Irish Shinigami > its eve
Irish Shinigami > were all dicks
Khoid > we’re*
KanonKongen We all had fun playing the GAME play apart from the people who werent involved
Irish Shinigami > u dont have to read it turn blink off
Alto Draconan > okay
Alto Draconan > let me turn that around then
Alto Draconan > “why the fuck did we ban people that are our freinds”
KanonKongen > only the people not involed grumble
Alto Draconan > its eve
Alto Draconan > they dont have to be in channel
Millenium Jack > we banned the people who were being dicks.
Millenium Jack > “friends” or otherwise.
Ka’Shar Androgan > lol friends
Ka’Shar Androgan > the people who setup a cyno chain to our home to drop us
Irish Shinigami > Ka just cause people try and kill u dont mean their not ur frands
Irish Shinigami > …. were a npsi corp
EVE System > Channel default access set to Moderated by Millenium Jack. This channel is now effectively running in moderated mode.

Damage Control in full swing as Jayne/Millenium Jack drop ban hammers on people giving Alto a good ribbing. Alto over all seemed to be in good spirits and not taking it as seriously as his corp superior. Not satisfied with losing just his Nyx, Alto went on and produced another Darwin Award worthy loss:

“The legend continues…”