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Breaking: All BRAVE API Keys leaked

April 18, 2014

Today capsuleer “Faceless Enemy” claimed in the EVE-O forums to be in possession of a list of all the Brave Newbies Pilots API.

APIs are not mail, identifying personal documentation, or anything equally exciting.

As CCP says, nobody can harm your account as a result of them.

On that note – can’t stop the signal.


This is a list of all APIs for everyone who submitted one in Brave Collective, along with some random corp keys.

If you enjoyed this product or service, please consider donating a small token to me, Faceless Enemy, in game so that I can fund future excitement like this.

Should ISD determine that this post does not meet an arbitrary guideline, please feel free to delete it as this file will be broadcast directly to those who crave its juicy drama contents.

Following the leak, an alliance broadcast was made to all BNI members:

Reset all APIs
From: Motre
Sent: 2014.04.18 17:22
To: Brave Collective,

If you gave any APIs to anyone or any system for BRAVE reset them ASAP. They all just got leaked.


Also, the reverse IP check from an API pull: http://gyazo.com/8e1589002660b82bac707ceb71bbd91c

The unthinkables possibly? who knows?

According to most accounts, all fingers point to BNI’s Draleth for the leakage.

Just as a PSA, is not a bad idea to swap apis from time to time, if you are in a hurry to do it, this link might come in handy.