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CSM9: The Vote race has begun!

April 8, 2014

Today the vote season for CSM 9 will open and we have seen many good applicants running to fulfill the positions at the next CSM team. Are you still unsure on who to vote for? Then we suggest using a player made website called Eve Vote Match.

To Learn more about Vote Match we took a look at their FAQ:

What is this website about?
Vote Match aims to provide an unbiased overview of all the candidates, their experience and positions in the current Eve Online CSM elections, and to create some order in the candidate chaos and assist you, the voter, in casting an informed vote.

Why should I care about the CSM?
The Council of Stellar Management (CSM) is a group of players elected to be player representatives towards the developer of Eve Online: CCP Games. This group of players is in direct contact with the people developing Eve Online and are able to make suggestions to the developers, give feedback on game features being produced or considered by CCP and highlight problems that the playerbase finds important. They are the advocates that can bring your concerns or ideas to the attention of the developers.

How does matching work?
One of the things we provide is a matching service, which aims to provide you with a list of candidates who have the same ideas about Eve Online as you do!

The matching is done based on a questionnaire of a number of statements about Eve Online. We have collected the answers from the candidates in the CSM election. After you fill in the questionnaire on this page, your answers will be compared to the answers of the candidates.

Based on how each of your answers matches up with each of the answers of each of the candidates, we calculate a score from zero (no match) to a hundred percent (perfect match) for each candidate. You will then be presented with an overview of all the candidates and their answers, ranked from highest match to lowest match.

We use a matching algorithm similar to the one used on the dating website OKCupid – though we use the values 0 (irrelevant), 1 (a little important), 5 (somewhat important), 10 (very important) and 50 (mandatory) instead of OKCupid’s 0, 1, 10, 50, 250. For a detailed explanation of the matching algorithm, go here.

How do I know I can trust this website?
Vote Match aims to be as transparent as possible. Candidates can verify that their answers are stored correctly at any time, as well as adjust their stored information at their discretion. All the matching calculations are performed client-side through Javascript, meaning the code for it can be verified by anyone. Additionally, the entire source for this website can be found at our Github repository.

Who runs this website?
This website is created and maintained by me: Valentijn Geirnaert, Dierdra Vaal in Eve Online. I was a representative on the first CSM, chairman of the third CSM and vice-chairman of the fifth CSM and firmly believe that the CSM is a strong positive influence on the development of Eve Online.

Are all candidates on this website?
Vote Match has approached all candidates because we would like to be as complete as possible. However, some candidates choose not to participate. As such, these candidates are not included in the candidate overview or matching.

We hope that everybody votes and if you are still unsure of who to pick then we definitely suggest using Vote match!

Feel free to discuss in the comment section below!