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TweetFleet: Expansions

April 4, 2014

Today’s tweetfleet brings us a truly hilarious newbie question posted on the EVE reddit by user Crazy_Lee:

I’m three days old. What expansion/s should I install?

Watching the comment count soaring over 160+, the first thing that came to mind was this iconic scene of one of my favorite british TV shows.

As expected, the reddit community took no time in figuring out what happened and the reddits exploded with answers which went from harmless quips to actually helpful tips:

Newbie level: Adorable.

Welcome to EVE!!! Where Blizzard has no power and CCP doesn’t make you pay for expansions.

There is only EVE. No addons, no mods.
There are separate programs to help with things, such as EVEmon for managing skill plans and Pyfa/EFT for fittings, but those aren’t required, esp. when first starting out.

Actually there has been 20 expansions

All but Incarna, wasn’t a great expansion.

You have them all, they are downloaded automatically when they are released. Welcome to New Eden. Watch your step and keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times 🙂

ey there, since you aer so new here is a very helpful resource all around eve: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/

For new players: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Tips_and_Tricks Gives you an idea what you can do in eve too and some really nice tips.
The most awesomest tools to use for eve: Eve Mon – Character Skill planning And EFT – Ship fitting tool to test stuff before you buy it, or just dream about what ship you want to fly soon ™

The eve university also lists more tools: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/3rd_Party_Tools
Also check out the pinned guide in this subreddit.

The best way to play eve is in a corporation (sort of like a guild in other mmos) It is more fun and you can learn and enjoy yourself much faster. Personally i went to eve university first, they are a big (2283 members as of writing this) neutral corp that is dedicated to teach you about all aspects of eve. You can take classes, get free ships, get a mentor, participate in fleets, or just listen and talk a lot to people over voice coms and whatnot. http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Applying_to_EVE_University I made many friends there that i still have and now we are spread all over eve.

But there are also other corps with different ideas to choose from, red versus blue is also great for example. 2 corps in an eternal mutual war that shoot each other for fun.
Or brave newbies, lots of madness and fun, a bit crazy maybe in a good way.

Theres also TEST Alliance please ignore, the reddit alliance. Countless others too.

Also upvotes for being cute 🙂 And ask away all the silly question you can think of.


What is impressive is that, despite having some solid troll-gold there, the thread is relatively clean, which speaks alot about the reddit community. You can read the rest of the thread here if you are interested.

To new players, I always point them to EVE University, despite me not being on their best side. As a discussion opener I as you, readers which is the silliest question you have ever heard from a player? And given the opportunity, have you corrected them? or trolled them?