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Battle Report: Super Survives 7 Doomsday hits

March 24, 2014

This is the super that was posted on this subreddit a day or so ago with hardly any armour left warping away. 

The following BR is written by: Efraya

Battle Report on EL8-4Q and subsequent events in L-C3O7:
We formed up Triangels (Ishtars and Scims) in our staging system on our titan while Tri formed up on theirs.

We bridged into EL8-4Q onto a MOA POS that had been reinforced and danced the tango with a mega and harpy fleet.

With the noses of our enemies considerably bloddied, we chased them out of EL8-4Q when reports of a dread fleet were called out. We raced to catch them and the nearest titan was in our staging system which we quickly formed up on. Sadly we weren’t quick enough to drop the dreads so it was decided to hastle the monkeys (SMA) which had a rag tag Harpy fleet out in L-C3O7.

Once we arrived in L-C3O7 we pinged about the system a little until there was no longer any resistance. Once everything had been cleared out, we punished the monkeys by shooting their “Fitting Services” on their station. With 60% of the shields to go, suddenly 5 Nyx’s and an Aeon appeared on the station to help us with the DPS.

With the threats neutralized, comms became more relaxed and witty banter was exchanged.

Suddenly, dictors everywhere! With the friendly supers bubbled, free fire on the dictors was called. While the dictors were being cleared from the field,a cyno went up and CFC titans jumped in and focused their [Doomsday weapons] on the Nyx of Roberrto.

As you can see, it was a little on the close side….

With the Nyx safe, the tide had turned significantly, we had enemy caps on field, no bubbles to hold them and no enemy subcaps of any consequence to back them up.

All DPS was focused onto a Moros which started to dip into hull before it coasted out of siege to catch reps from the carriers. The hunt was then on to find another dread that was still sieged, sadly they were all out of siege so we switched to a Chimera. This chimmy was in low armour when it managed to warp to planet 8 where it was hero tackled by a friendly ceptor. We focused another on the station until the enemy cap fleet warped to safety.

Quickly we went after the lone and stranded chimmy and dispatched him. This is when someone yelled that they had a lone Thanatos left on the station.

There is always one….

Kill Overview

We warped back and made quick work of him. The field was then looted and a friendly jump freighter was brought in to pick up the enemy fighters and bombers that had been panic left on the field.

Logi video perspective of the fight in EL8-4Q