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CCP Builds Monument To Bridge Gap Between The Real World & The Virtual

February 6, 2014

The monument is an a outdoor sculpture by the artist Sigurður Guðmundsson with help and input from EVE Online‘s own art directors Börkur Eiríksson and Ásgeir Jón Ásgeirsson. It will stand at over five meters tall and will consist of two main elements facing each other through a highly polished stainless steel surface in the middle that reflects and mirrors the elements and the landscape. On the left side of the model stands a dark aluminum structure with a quote from the EVE Universe and on the right a dark granite facial figure representing the players behind the game.

The monument will stand atop a half meter tall metal-plated concrete platform that will have the names of all the “main characters” of all active EVE Online players etched upon it. This list of active, paying players will be captured on March 1st, 2014—no exceptions. In addition, CCP will be honoring EVE Online players who have passed away by adding their names to the monument, as described in the following section.

Under the monument a buried laptop will serve as a time capsule with videos, messages, wishes and more from the players and the development staff. A web-based application will assist in finding specific names on the monument‘s surface. More on the time capsule will be announced at www.eve.com/monument.

The monument will be unveiled on Wednesday April 30th, a day before Fanfest 2014, the annual gathering celebrating the EVE Universe held at Harpa Concert and Convention Center in downtown Reykjavik. At the event, thousands of EVE Online, DUST 514 and EVE: Valkyrie players will witness the dedication in a special ceremony that will include CCP staff, city officials, friends, and family.

You can read more by visiting the official about monument page here. How do you all feel about the monument? Post a comment below and add to the discussion.
