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Our EVE: Rubicon 1.1 – The Little Things.

January 13, 2014

Let’s take a look at “Some little things” coming in Rubicon 1.1, shall we?

Original CCP Karkur’s Post:

Here are some little things we will be adding in Rubicon 1.1.
There are still some things being worked on, and I’ll update this thread as they are deployed to Sisi and also update it with known issues.

– It’s now possible to open a “Member edit” window for a character even though one is already open (new one replaces the old one)

– When creating a contract, the “Private” checkbox is now checked when a name is typed/added in the “Private” field

– It’s now possible to cancel own market orders from the “Details” tab in the market

– A shortcut to open Fitting management has been added

– Modules in the Fitting management window now have icons and tech icons and can be dragged and dropped to create links

– The right click option “Insure” has been added to ships that will open directly a window to select insurance plans for that ship. This window is very similar to the old one but is non-modal and has info about the ship(icon, ship type & name and current insurance).

– It’s now possible to drag items from the “variation tab” (and some other places I can’t remember right now)

A location search field has been added to the menu in the “Route” info panel.

– Popup questions to ask you if you are sure you want to insure your ships have been made suppressable

– hitting Enter in the search field in the Fitting Management window will execute a search (as suggested by Nicen Jehr below)

– Attribute tab in Show Info for drones now has sections (similar to how the attributes are displayed for ships)

– Damage resistance attributes for ships and drones are now represented in the Show Info window by bars (as in the fitting window) rather than listed out one by one

Not yet deployed:
– None (stuff has been deployed to Sisi)

Known issue(fixed internally):
– None (stuff has been deployed to Sisi)