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EMP Capitals Down in the North

January 7, 2014

Things went south in the north today for Insidious Empire as one of their capital fleets suffered heavy losses in NCGR-Q. The story we have received is that EMP dropped on some CFC dreads (~10). This resulted in over 50 more capitals and many sub-caps being dropped on top of EMP forces by CFC.

Rumor has it that EMP was about to drop supercaps on the original CFC dreads, but CFC forces dropped early enough that the incoming supercapitals were called off. While CFC did lose  ~7 dreads, EMP lost ~18 along with ~12 carriers making it a capital ship graveyard with close to 40 dead capitals from both sides. As is typical with any bait, the numbers were not even at about 58 (EMP) and 189 (CFC). It also appears that a CFC Aeon, Ragnarok, and Avatar made it to the battle and got on some killmails.

Interestingly there are rumors about TEST alliance not showing up to support EMP, with something about “missing dreads” being the ironic tagline. However, one Test pilot showed up and lost his Archon.

Overall a successful engagement/bait for CFC forces.

EVE kill


*Update* Video off the fight: