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Not a bitter vet!: Earning isk from everywhere – Part 1. Wormhole selling guide!

February 22, 2016

The following blog is written by  Shinzo Shikimira Shinzo who runs his own blog: Not A bitter VET!

Selling a whole solar system for isk?! What? Yes, this is actually a thing in Eve. Even though it’s a bit unpopular, it isn’t really bad!

Wormhole space is always random, it contains a lot of systems (2498 to be exact) which you can visit! Welcome to the jungle. In here, every system has a random wormhole to another system, and that system will have another random wormhole to another system…. this place is huge.

Now, wormhole space in Eve literally means that you have a license to print isk, that’s why many people like to live in just one wormhole system where they want to operate. But don’t forget that there’s no law in wormhole space! If you are trying to build yourself a Player-owned starbase (POS) while there’s another person or corporation which already has one in that system, it can end badly. Nobody likes having neighbors in wormhole space!

That’s where wormhole selling helps.

Basically, wormhole selling is when you find a completely empty wormhole with no active POS in that system and you sell it. You get isks, the buyer gets a clean, empty system with no hostiles. And by selling a wormhole, I mean giving the buyer an entrance to the wormhole (most preferably Highsec) as he pays isk.

Finding empty wormholes relies on luck and patience, you might find one straight away, or it can take days of searching.  Also, be careful with determining if your system is actually empty! That means no active forcefields (pos with no forcefield is okay). If the system is big, fly to any planet which is not in d-scan range and check it. Shattered wormholes are different as you cannot put a pos in it, but even they can be sold for its signatures.

Using an in-game browser app tripwire is very recommended! It helps you to not get lost and it will give you more info about wormholes. A famous youtuber WingspanTT (a.k.a Chance Ravinne in Eve) has a very good tutorial for it!

Next step, after finding one, would be making sure you have your wormholes bookmarked. Then, you should inform people that you’re selling it. You can do that by posting it on Forum Sell Orders thread or a very nice website http://wormholesales.com. Hardest part is deciding the price, it depends on the wormhole: Wormhole class doesn’t change it that much, but people tend to be looking for C2-C4 the most.
Statics: This is a good one. If it has a hisec static, you can already add at least 200, maybe 300 mil to the price, even more if there’s another static! Having a c3 static is good for ratters.
Wormhole effect: These are important as they can drastically change your ship stats and even what type of ships you should use. Wolf-Rayet is a good example as it has great buffs for armor ships.
System size: If your system is small (everything’s in d-scan range), that’s a benefit! Number of planets also comes up in here.
Planetary interaction: a system with good Pi is worth much! The more stuff you can produce, the better.
Try looking for examples in these sites. The lower your price is, the faster you might sell it.

When someone contacts you, be friendly, answer any questions about the wormhole (but don’t give him the entrance before he pays). If he wants to buy it, you can either use the help of some trusted third-party or you can trade bookmarks via regular contracts. (Go to your k-space system that connects to the wormhole, dock up, drag bookmarks from menu to your items)

To sum up, this can be a very good way to make isk, with less effort than some other ways, but this can require a lot of patience while scanning (really, a lot, or you will end up posting blogs like me). It can be done with a new character, but I would suggest a t2 exploring frigate with covops cloak. Fit it for exploring, you will be able to do relic and data sites on the go! But when you find an empty wormhole, you will have to stay in there. Be careful, fly safe!