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Sov News & Updates For 12/25/14

December 26, 2014

During the night and into the morning HERO Coalition destroyed two more Pandemic Legion POSes in HED-GP and reinforced the last PL POS in this system without any fight.


HERO managed to get another PL system in 1P-WGB Catch; its the forth system in three days to return to HERO. PL currently only has three remaining systems in Catch and all are station systems. Those systems are F4R2-Q, WJ-9YO, and L7XS-5.

* Important timers incoming for HERO Coalition:
3-SFWG POS (large / planet 3 moon 3) 26/12/2014 17:20
– HED-GP POS ( large / planet 6 moon 1) 26/12/2014 19:42

* A recapture of U-QVWD AAR by Lumpymayo was issued on issued over reddit which goes on to say the following:

I figured I would write an AAR so you guys could appreciate the effort we went through to take this system.
While we were grinding the POS’s in HED-GP Anna Niedostepny thought it would be funny if we dropped SBU’s in U-QVWD to force PL to form a fleet since we were not getting a fight after 2 hours of grinding. We finished grinding the POS’s and the SBU had about an hour before it onlined, but PL still didn’t form a fleet.

The SBU’s onlined and Blue Ice flash formed a Tengu fleet to kill the U-QWVD TCU. We dropped J3B capitals to 1 cycle the TCU. Our plan at this point was to be ready for the next 8 hours to flash form a Tengu fleet to fight PL on our deathstar.
Most of you guys had stood down by this point but a handful of individuals hung around FOR 10 HOURS after the TCU died to ensure a successful SOV claim. Onlining a TCU would have not been enough, we needed an IHUB to ensure that PL couldn’t TROLOLO our onlined TCU and cause us to loose SOV. Credit goes to J3B for this, they managed to bring in a freighter into the system with the IHUB in it’s cargo. The freighter was safe logged in a POS and Lquid Drisseg was ready to alarm clock before he had to go to work to anchor the IHUB, 7 hours later.

To ensure that PL couldn’t drop dreads on our onlining TCU’s I spent about 800 mill on T2 large bubbles and bubble fucked the TCU deathstar POS. This forces the potential PL dread/super fleet far away from the shields. Dreads always use short range weapons and being 150 km away from an onlining TCU bring their DPS to 0. If PL had brought supers we had a full flight of elite faction POS guns and a fully manned POS gunner crew to kill fighter bombers as well as Blue Ice on standby to flash form a subcap fleet.

PL had scouted the POS a few times and never bothered to form. We couldn’t leave the POS because of the potential of the PL Autz fleets coming to kill the onlining TCU. In total about 20 people from your high command/mildirs, FC’s, and POS gunners stayed on standby for over 10 hours ready to respond to PL at a moments notice.

TCU was onlined and we anchored/onlined the IHUB with no resistance from PL.

* Catch Sov: 108 systems including 46 stations

HERO Coalition

Brave Collective: 67 Systems / 24 Stations / 39 Corporations / 14689 Pilots
TEST ALLIANCE PLEASE IGNORE: 4 Systems / 2 Stations / 54 Corportations / 4680 Pilots
Of Sound Mind: 4 Systems / 3 Stations / 10 Corporations / 386 Pilots
Nerfed Alliance Go Away: 3 Systems / 1 Stations / 13 Corporations / 491 Pilots
Bloodline: 5 Systems / 2 Stations / 12 Corporations / 584 Pilots

Allied to HERO Coalition

Spaceship Samurai: 11 Systems / 4 Stations / 14 Corporations / 1001 Pilots

Spaceship Samurai recently moved to faction warfare and that’s why I didn’t count them part of HERO. Its possible they will maybe transfer their systems to HERO soon (2 of their systems have been transferred to a corporation called J3B Holdings, J3B is Bearded Battlebears corporation ticker which is part of Brave Collective).

Other Catch Sov Holders

Pandemic Legion: 3 Systems / 3 Stations / 13 Corporations / 2264 Pilots
Northern Coalition: 2 Systems / 1 Station / 24 Corporations / 2727 Pilots


The Volition Cult: 3 Systems / 2 Stations / 46 Corporations / 1764 Pilots
Evictus: 3 Systems / 2 Stations / 15 Corporations / 484 Pilots
Curatores Veritatis Alliance: 1 System / 1 Station / 27 Corporations / 1594 Pilots
Apocalypse Now: 1 System / 1 Station / 35 Corporations / 1326 Pilots

Other points of interest

* Cult of War which failcascaded has now joined Kadeshians Alliance.

* Brave Newbies Inc has reached their maximum capacity and cannot add additional pilots. This partly due to Lychton Kondur BNI’s CEO not having Leadership V trained. Maybe he will fix that?


* Black Legion is going back to Venal according to Eveskunk.


That’s all for today’s update! Something missing? Want to see more? Feel free to join in the conversation in our new WarpToZero.net forums. Sign up today and find ongoing updates under the “Sov Game Updates” section by Boomboomnak.